Sunday, July 12, 2009

Trap Finishes Production

Jason Horton's (Edges of Darkness) latest film is "Trap" a heavily character focused film that looks at profit in crime, specifically kidnapping, and Horton also mentions, for fans, that "Edges of Darkness" has been picked up for distribution by Anchor Bay with September 22 as a likely release date. The first darkly styled one-sheet is available for "Trap" along with a mysterious trailer of the film that highlights the relationship between Walt and Franklyn, two criminals with a love for easy money. Or is it easy? Have a look at the trailer for "Trap" at the Zapruter production companys website and look out for the "Edges of Darkness" release coming shortly.

The tagline for "Trap" here:

"Two men, one plan, no mercy."

Director: Jason Horton.

Writer: Jason Horton.

Cast: To be announced.

Have a look at the "Trap" trailer at the Zapruter website here:

or the Myspace location here:


Jason Horton. Personal Interview. 12 July 2009.