Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Hills Have Eyes 3: Interview and News

After an early screening of "The Last House on the Left," horror film director Wes Craven gave a brief interview, in which a few future movie projects were given the thumbs up. Films that are possibly in the works include; "People Under the Stairs," "Shocker," and "The Hills Have Eyes 3." "The Hills Have Eyes 2," which made only half of the previous film seems to have let the fans down while offering very little connection to any of the past films. However, this time around Wes Craven promises “I'm not interested in doing straight-to-video. If it can't make it in theaters then… (Bloody-Disgusting)"

Wes Craven also goes on to say that he would like to take "The Hills Have Eyes," in a total different direction. Focusing on the theme of outsiders in society, "because they have this ability to survive anything..." look for this second sequel to possibly be about prejudice or racism (Bloody-Disgusting).

For now there is only talk of a second sequel and fans will have to voice their approval for a "The Hills Have Eyes," second sequel by supporting quality horror films like the "Friday the 13th," re-imaging. For the full interview with Wes Craven visit Bloody-Disgusting in the sources section below.


The Hills Have Eyes 3 at Shock

The Hills Have Eyes at Bloody-Disgusting

The Hills Have Eyes Movie Stills at Allmoviephoto

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